Evening Rant #3: My Grass Is Greener


The grass is always greener on the other side is what they say...Well misery also loves company, so instead of looking at someone else's grass...cultivate your own and stop letting people plant weeds in your garden!

TUNE IN @ 11:00pm
Tuesday - July 2nd 2013 (Rain Day Wednesday - July 3rd 2013)

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Wind Down: Evening Rant #2

So what did we discuss?

I kind of went on a rampage about some little kid I saw on the bus...Little snot...GRRRRR...
Then I spoke a bit about my BRAND NEW APP!!! Well I actually spoke about that first..
THEN I went to the subject if Fast Food being...mmm mmm mm good for you...with some advice on how I am doing things mixed..I like to leadish by example (DO AS I SAY...NOT AS I DO!!!)

Tune in next week!! WOOT!

 BTW: Still holding the give-away! First 6 folks to post to Episode 17...(gotta find it) get the app for FREE!!

Listen to internet radio with Metah4 Genome on BlogTalkRadio

The Wind Down