Episode 6: 3-2-09: Words For The Mind

Tonight the topic will be a treat for the mind and emotions as I will be sharing some of my poetry and talking about what the story is behind each one...and of course music and health tips...

Listen to internet radio with Metah-4 Genome on Blog Talk Radio

3-1-09: Last Monday's Topics

1. Vato - IllBeatz.com
2. Game Over - IllBeatz.com
3. Ebony vs Ivory - Rem'z Instroz
4. Cry Together - Rem'z Instroz
5. Be Alright - Metah-4 Genome

1. Old VS Older
2. Loving Technolgy - Electronics
3. Oscars
4. Heath Talk - Friends

Be sure to tune in tomorrow @11:30pm!!

The Wind Down