2-14-08: Free Publicity!!

Some free publicity for the deserving!!

The Blood Rider
- Mark Tarrant
Read this book...but if you are not into westerns or vampires...just read it for the great conclusion!

Dog Eaters - Malcolm Wong
Fantastic comic book tale of a post-apocalyptic family making a way for themselves...

The Green Man - PBraneWorld
A collaboration of people are placed into this high-contrast graphic novel!

Teddy Scares
Like morbid stuff? Like Teddy Bears? Nuff Said...

Toys (Alien) - OneLL Design
Collectible figures you can actually play with!!

Episode 3: 2-9-09: GREAT SHOW!!

Well folks, this show went off with no technical issues (unlike last week...LOL)

Topic List:
1.Social Network Validation
2.Homeless Bailout
3. Beating My Cold/Comic Con 09
4. Poetry: Ode To Time Warner

1. Godzilla - JeeJuh.com
2. Urban Village - Metah-4 Genome
3. BMF - Metah-4 Genome
4.Outa Here - Metah-4 Genome
5.Belly Zone - Metah-4 Genome

Wow!! Didn't realize I played so much of my stuff!! LOL
Tune in next Monday @11:30pm
Check out the archives

Tune In!!! 11:30PM

Alright folks!
Tune in this evening at 11:30pm for The What Ev Radio!

Some thoughts covered:
Social Network Validation
Homeless HandOuts VS BailOut
ComicCon 09!!
and more!!

I am trying to fit this all in 45min folks!!! LOL I gotta sleep too!
...and of course there will be music ;-)
The What Ev Radio

Listen to internet radio with Metah-4 Genome on Blog Talk Radio

The Wind Down