Episode 22 Wind Down

People Are Strange..Not when you're at Comic Con..LOL

Today's shout out were @GeekOMintGum and @CFGodwell

@GeerkomintGum - Best Dr.Who Costume at the NYCC (I didn't just say it...others told hime so LOL)
@CFGodwell  - The Boy From Planet A.  GIve it a look..independent artists are da bomb!!

JetPack Giveaway!!  - I will be taking pictures of the Jetpack I built for the Comic Con and giving it away to a luck listener! Shipping may be the only concern, but we will cross that bridge when I get to it LOL.  It's made of cardboard, and plastic...but after Halloween..it must go! LOL  Get me on Twitter @WhatEvRadio or email for more WhatEvRadio@gmail.com


Episode 22: "Comic Con!! Comic Con!!"

Tonight @11:00pm

So this weekend was an adventure in itself! I did a three day stint at the NY Comic Con this year and boy are my feet tired!!

Plus!!! Jetpack giveaway!!!

Let's Talk!!
11:00pm - 11:15pm

Listen to internet radio with Metah4 Genome on Blog Talk Radio

The Wind Down